I did it with no long term problems at all. Been out for several years with all my family still in. No one shuns me, not even those in the hall.
First of all you need GAD - Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Then mild depression. That will not be a problem given what you are now learning about everything you have believed your whole life.
Just tell the elders that you would like to step down as a servant for personal reasons. Do not blame the (UN mess, Pedophiles, 1914, false prophecy, the blood issue, Malawi or anything else) Just say it is personal and you are not comfortable right now in large groups of people. If you do it with respect and don't attack them they will be much less likely to attack you in defense.
Don't try to aggressively "convert" your friends or family, that is the way to disaster. Be very very careful of your "online" tracks and history. Instead periodically just raise valid questions that help them think outside of the box. When you make a valid point and they admit it, don't go for the throat. Step back. That way the next time you make a valid point they won't be afraid to admit it again. Eventually they will realize that they don't have the answers and they will not blame you since your questions are sincere and valid. Do not attack! That will get their back up faster than anything else. Also it does not hurt to go to the memorial at least and maybe one or two other meetings per year. That allows them to have "hope" for you. Don't start celebrating holidays etc unless that is more important to you than your family.
That is what worked for me. It worked well. I am not shunned by anyone, if I go to a anniversary party or other "get together" with members of the org everyone is friendly and I have no problems at all. No one expects me to be at Circuit Assemblies or District Assemblies. Last year and the year before I did go on Sunday just to be nice and it was not a big deal. I just slept all afternoon in the AC. : )
Anyway, what I am telling you is that it can be done.
Let me be clear, there are others who will not agree with this method. I am not suggesting that this is the only way or even that this is what you should do. I am simply saying that this worked for me, and if I had it to do again I would do exactly the same thing.